Czech Republic - Velká Bíteš

Purchasing & Sub­contracting

PBS Turbo expects its suppliers and business partners to comply with the basic principles according to the Code of Conduct and the Purchasing Terms. Futhermore we are looking for subcontracting activities connected with our production and products.

sales and service


If you are interested in becoming a supplier or partner to PBS Turbo please feel free to contact our purchase department team. We're absolutely committed to a fair and transparent purchasing process, with our focus on relationships giving both us and our suppliers a competitive advantage.


Our company focuses on the following subcontracting areas: milling, turning, grinding, heat treatment, cutting. If you are interested in becoming a supplier or partner to PBS Turbo please feel free to contact our purchase department team.


PBS Turbo s.r.o.
Vlkovská 279
59501 Velká Bíteš
Czech Republic
Phone +420-602-130-707
Fax +420-566-822-202
